Slaughterhouse GT

Some players step above and beyond the basics of their hobby and craft. Some pull away from the herd to stand out, and as such, are the tast….I mean, best out there! We want to recognize that time and skill. As such, we have the Hobby Hog competition with the coveted Golden Bacon for the select few that make the final cut.
(Note: No player can win both judges choice and players choice for best painted army, though they can win categories in the Golden Bacon)
The Sirloin (Best Painted Army - Players Choice)
This award is granted to the player whose army was chosen by you, the players, as the best painted army. The masses have spoken, and this specific player is the prime cut among their peers.
NOTE: The army must be a total of 2000pt list. Players will vote during breaks.
The Tenderloin (Best Painted Army - Judges Choice)
This award is granted to the player that the judges have deemed to be the best out there. This will be judged between three judges and will be scrutinized and awarded accordingly.
NOTE: The army must be a total of 2000pt list. Judging for this award will be done during "Armies on Parade".
The Golden Bacon (Best Painted Model Awards)
Players that wish to enter in a model to one of the following categories can do so at check in. Each choice will be given a place card to display and players will place models based on category. Only one entry per category per player is allowed.
The Golden Bacon Categories
Sci-fi/Modern, Single Model
Single figure, 25mm to 40mm scale, on a base no larger than 60mm in diameter, with a total height no more than 5”.
Fantasy/Steampunk/Historical, Single Model
Single figure, 25mm to 40mm scale, on a base no larger than 60mm in diameter, with a total height no more than 5”.
Unit, squad, or battlegroup, 25mm to 40mm scale, on bases no larger than 60mm in diameter, with a total height no more than 5”. Figures may be mounted on a single display base or individually based. Units not on a single display base must be presented on a movement tray. Display base or movement tray must be no larger than 12” x 8”. Unit is not required to conform to game play rules.
Vehicle, warmachine, or monster, 25 to 40mm scale, on a base no larger than 6” in diameter, total height no more than 12”. This category includes vehicles with riders and figures mounted on large animals such as horses or dragons.
Titanic Unit
Titans, Colossus, whatever you call them, enter them here! Smash down the competition with the models that have larger base sizes and truly capture the feeling of large and in charge.
Entry can be straight out of the box to a completely scratch-built model, it could be a sweeping diorama with dozens of figures. something cinematic, or something even further afield. This is where it goes. The only restriction is that entries can be no larger than 20″ x 20″ x 20″