Slaughterhouse GT

Tournament Awards
If you are planning to attend, please upload your list to BCP or email it to slaughterhousewargaming@gmail.com before July 12th at 11:59pm, if no list is present by that time, you will be ineligible for prizes, so please submit it as soon as possible! (NOTE: If modifications need to be made to a list, that can be done following July 12th, but only by approval of a judge)
Slaughterhouse Overall Champion
The Overall Champion is the individual with the highest total score combination of:
Battle Points = max 150 (50%)
Painting Points x 2.5 = max 75 (25%)
Sportsmanship x 2.5 = max 75 (25%)
This represents the best overall player, who does well on the tabletop, but also has a well painted army and is a great opponent to play against.
Warlord Champion
The Warlord Champion is the competitor who has the best win-loss record at the end of the tournament.
Warchief Champion
The Warchief Champion is the person who has the 2nd best win-loss record at the end of the tournament.
NOTE: Warlord and Warchief Champion awards are based strictly on win-loss.
Slaughterhouse Favorite
This award goes to the most favored opponent and the one player of which is the best sport!
The Piglet
This award Is given to the player who comes dead last in battle points! This award has the honor of being presented by those that have come before. Your honor is held among the few, but proud that have stood in the same place as you, but came away with a strong chin and head held high.
The Hog Slayer
Defeated the most Warhogs members at the tournament. This is kept track of by the judges.
The Spamfest
Had the cheesiest or spammiest army at the tournament. This is decided and dictated by the judges!
The Best Team
This will be determined by a collection of total points at the end of the event and kept track of by the judges. This will be dictated by best overall score, paint and sportsmanship will be taken into account.